Back with Part 2 of 2023 Ktown4u Year-End Review!
Dear KforU~ #42 🏆2023 Ktown4u Year-End Review ~Part 2~🏆
Hello, KforU!
Editor 'GOGI🍖' here to greet you again.
Did you experience a Maillard reaction in your heart with last week's #41 newsletter? For the #42 newsletter, I'll warm the hearts of KforU with some special news!
Presenting Part 2 of 2023 Ktown4u Year-End Review🏆,
and also a Staff-terview🎙️ with another precious guest!
Since this newsletter marks the beginning of March, don't miss out on this month’s birthday
and the announcement of the best reviewers for February.
So, let's get started with Newsletter #42!🏃♀️
💌 What’s in today’s Ktown4u?
- 🎂 This month's birthday 🎂
- 🏆2023 Ktown4u Year-End Review ~Part 2~🏆
- 🎙️Ktown4u Staff-terview : 'COOKIE🥔’
- 💬 Best reviewers for February💬
👉 One-line summary for this week’s newsletter
Back with Part 2 of 2023 Ktown4u Year-End Review!
🎂 This month's birthday 🎂
As it's the first newsletter of March, we can't skip introducing artists with March birthdays! You are the one who are born to be loved… 💖
Wishing happiness blooms in every moment for you this month! 💐 Congratulations to everyone, celebrating their birthdays in March! 🎉
🏆2023 Ktown4u Year-End Review ~Part 2~🏆
Following last week, we're back with Part 2 of the Year-End Review!
It's especially meaningful for us, since the data is created by Ktown4u and KforU together. 🥹
Here's a tip for those who missed Part 1 sent with #41 newsletter! 🙌 You can view previous newsletters through the "Ktown4u View the lastest newsletter" at the top.
So, shall we review and settle Part 2 together too? ✅
(Target period : January 1st, 2023 ~ December 31st, 2023)
💙 Total Buyers 1.44 million, Total Orders 3.1 million
In 2023, Ktown4u ranked the first in e-commerce exports! Of course, all thanks to KforU. 🙇♀️
🐙 KforU, You Can’t Fall Asleep... So Who's Your Favorite Artist?
KforU who purchased products from the most diverse artists, bought items of 214 different teams.
⭐ The Most Special Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Album
Album with the highest restock requests was
Stray Kids - THE 3RD ALBUM [★★★★★ (5-STAR)] (LIMITED VER.), with approximately 8,400 requests.
Go to see Stray Kids’ products👆
💰 My Job Is… Why am I Nervous?
I am… the King of Ktown4u Employee Purchase.
Employee who made the most purchases on Ktown4u spent approximately 3.4 million won, over 30 orders.
🎙️Ktown4u Staff-terview: Product Team 'COOKIE🍪’
Ktown4u employees are provided with discounts when they make purchases,
as part of the fringe benefits,. 😎
GOGI🍖 browses over which MD to buy through employee purchases, whenever I have a chance! It's quite fun to watch Ktown4u parcels arriving to other teammates at the office.
I’ve invited a truly special guest also for the interview today’s Staff-terview. ❤️🔥 Introducing employee who made the most purchases on Ktown4u, ‘COOKIE🍪’!