(Benefit : Photocard)[Hapa Kristin] Wake Up Krisitn Pale gray
- Release
- 2024-02-19
- (Expected) Date of stock
- 2024-02-29
- Mileage
- 25
- Goods code
- GD00107090
- Sales
- 5
* Outboxes are designed to prevent shock to protect the product, so scratches, wrinkles, discoloration, etc. may occur during packaging/delivery, which cannot be a reason for exchange.
Wake Up Krisitn Pale gray
(Benefit : Photocard)
*브라질, 브루나이, 캄보디아, 프랑스, 독일, 이탈리아, 라오스, 미얀마, 루마니아, 러시아, 스페인, 영국, 태국, 멕시코는 해당 상품의 배송이 불가합니다.
*Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, France, Germany, Italy, Laos, Myanmar, Romania, Russia, Spain, UK, Thailand, and Mexico are not available for delivery.